If the scam involved payment with a Gift Card, report the gift card fraud immediately to the company.

  • Report to Google Play (855-466-4438)
  • Report to Apple (1-800-275-2273 then say "gift card")
  • Report to Amazon (888-280-4331)
  • Report to eBay (866-540-3229 then say "representative" after the first prompt. Then say "gift card" after the next prompt.

If a different money service company was used for payment in the scam, immediately contact the company to report the fraud.

Also report the security issue to the Information Security Office at [email protected] or by phone at 412-268-2044.

Don't see your card on this list? Search online for how to reach that card issuer. If there is not contact information available or the card issuer is reluctant to help, report the scam to the FTC.